The Moopy Blog

Insight and ramblings from the minds of the twisted folk at Moopy

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Look at the amazing success September has had with trying to formularise her sound...

Here's the thing. Moopy loves Sweden and the vast majority of the pop music that extends from within its borders (check out the Robyn forum if you think I'm under-selling it). Thus, we were behind the release of Agnes' Release Me earlier this year, but admittedly taken aback by just how well it did.

Looking at the reaction to the next single, I Need You Now, there's a fair amount of trepidation. Evidently fearing that the favoured On & On may sound "too Euro" for the British public (or should that be the oh-so-influential media), we've instead been treated to a remixed and re-recorded I Need You Now. That is, it simply involved adding a TINNY BEAT and some RELEASE ME-ESQUE STRINGS.

Which leaves the single caught somewhere between the two. Indeed, the new, non-ballad I Need You Now pertains strictly to the blueprint set down by Release Me which should, hopefully, give it a chance of playlisting (it's already been premiered by Radio 1). However, like September before her, releasing a diluted copy of a breakthrough single proves nothing of the artists' long-term potential. In fact, most fans agree that whilst the song is "ok", the album holds much better tracks.

Let's just hope then, that unlike September's digital-only album, I Need You Now does enough to warrant a full commercial release (7th December being the date). One that proves Agnes has more than just those Release Me-esque strings to her bow.

Check out:

Agnes - I Need You Now
Agnes - On And On
Agnes - 'Release Me'

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