The Moopy Blog

Insight and ramblings from the minds of the twisted folk at Moopy

Thursday, 24 September 2009

I don't know who told this bitch we wanted another Charmbracelet, it certainly was not me

Whilst we're on the subject of artists who seem intent on showing their fans as little regard as possible, focus must turn to Mariah Carey.

For over two months now, the 'lambs' and the 'haters' have been scrutinising Obsessed's chart performance in America. After a slow-start, the "buzz single" managed to peak within the top ten. Thus inevitably, focus turned to the album.

Despite the immense amount of pre-release hype for the album (how exactly did we reach 27 pages?!), anticipation has been mixed from the start. Would Mariah's first JD-less album since Glitter be a good move? Would it return the lambs to plink-plong whispery Charmbracelet hell? What exactly could a song titled Ribbon be about?

The answer to all of the above is a mostly resounding "ZZZZ", with some posters unable to see the album through to the end. True, the first three tracks (Betcha Gon' Know, Obsessed and H.A.T.E.U.) have survived relatively unscathed, but the reaction to the album as a whole makes the ten-steps-backwards I Want To Know What Love Is sound earth-shattering by comparison.

Yet, the album does have some fans and there could be some Moopy-esque U-turns abound. Meanwhile, whether the album is a max volume or mute moment, we'll be keeping a close eye on the charts to see how Memoirs... plays out.

Check out:

Mariah Carey - Memoirs... FIRST LISTEN PARTY
Mariah Carey - Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel (Pre-release rambles)
Mariah Carey - I Want To Know What Love Is

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