The Moopy Blog

Insight and ramblings from the minds of the twisted folk at Moopy

Sunday 11 October 2009

'You're VERY welcome'

Moopy, like many other sites, has been discussing the news of Stephen Gately's unexpected death since early this morning.

Many people have been fans of Boyzone for a number of years. Even if they weren't, they knew someone who was. He might not have been the best pop star in the world, but he had a presence in many people's musical upbringing.

Some posters have been sharing their memories, both recent and from their youth as Moopy collectively marks another unexpected celebrity death in 2009.

Check out:
Stephen Gately DEAD
Best Boyzone/Stephen Gately single

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful man who is now the perfect angel, forever young and never forgotten.

    R.I.P Stephen
